No increase in enrolment fees for international PhD students
In an interview on 24 February in the Journal du Dimanche, the Sunday newspaper, Frédérique Visal, the French Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, announced this decision, as had been advised in a report on the conditions for implementing the Bienvenue en France (Choose France) strategy that had been given to her a few days earlier.
PhD students exempt
Enrolment fees for PhD programmes will remain the same for EU and non-EU students, i.e. €380 per year, to increase the appeal of French PhD programmes among international students and promote research carried out in French laboratories.
As a reminder, non-EU students already enrolled in a study programme in France in the 2018-2019 academic year will be exempt from paying differentiated fees until the end of their studies in France.
Other interesting developments
Ms Vidal also mentioned “three key matters that we will work on at interdepartmental level”, namely processing visas, developing a certification for the reception of international students and improving access to accommodation.
As the Minister reminds, all these initiatives are meant to “improve the reception conditions and attract more international students, including those who have more resources”.